SD4Health, a secure cloud infrastructure that will enable Canada to become a global leader in genomic and health data analysis and management.

What will SD4H deliver?

Over the next decade, our ability to use and share data will be critical in almost every clinical investigation, as well as in basic and biomedical research. The increasing use of high-throughput technologies and health data has already generated demand for analysis, software and computational technologies surpassing what is currently available in individual centers but also nationally.


Facilitate data sharing nationally and globally, while respecting the protection of personal information


Apply advanced analytics, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), to distributed data


Ensure the security of genomic and health data by deploying a dedicated governance framework and appropriate technologies

190 Elizabeth St.
Toronto, ON
M5G 2C4
RFE 4th Floor





The cost of our services will vary depending on the complexity of your research project. Please reach out to us to discuss your specific needs and get a personalized quote.